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Project Management Benchmarking

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Project Details

  • Category: PM Consulting
  • Date Added: 01/15/2015
  • Client: A large Canadian utility company
  • Skills: Research, surveys, benchmarking, project management

Project Info


Evaluate project management and project portfolio management processes and actual practices, and to make recommendations.


A formal benchmarking exercise against the industry best practices.

Procept Associates Ltd. was hired by a large Canadian electrical utility to perform a formal benchmarking of their project management and project portfolio management practices.

Procept's approach to this project included multiple phases.

Phase 1: Planning — This phase involved identification of “reputation leaders” to become benchmarking partners, and a detailed project execution plan with schedule and estimate.

Phase 2: Assessment tools preparation — In this phase, we prepared a list of survey questions and qualitative assessment tools for project management and portfolio management practices.

Phase 3: Data Gathering — In this phase, the qualitative tools were used for both: the benchmarking partners to establish the best practices in the industry, and our client to measure their performance against these best practices.

Phase 4: Findings and Recommendations — The last phase involves statistical analysis of the data and the presentation of subjective recommendations based on results.

Project Stats
