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PM Process Model and Planning

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Project Details

  • Category: PM Consulting
  • Date Added: 01/15/2015
  • Client: Water and Wastewater Engineering Dept., The Regional Municipality of York
  • Skills: Project managment, methodologies, facilitation

Project Info


Municipal government needed project planning services in support of capital infrastructure projects.


Development of a Project Management Process Model and a template WBS.

The Regional Municipality of York is made up of a confederation of nine municipalities: the Towns of Aurora, East Gwillimbury, Georgina, Markham, Newmarket, Richmond Hill, Whitchurch-Stouffville, the Township of King, and the City of Vaughan and covers a geographical area of approximately 1,756 square kilometers. It provides services to over 850,000 residents, 25,000 businesses and 395,000 employees. York Region has a two-tier government structure, with services provided by the Region and local area municipal governments. The Region provides services for its residents and businesses that include transportation services, transit, water, wastewater management, emergency services, policing, human services and growth management.

Procept was hired by the Regional Municipality of York's Transportation and Works Department, Water and Wastewater Branch, to provide Project Planning Support Services in support of capital infrastructure projects in alignment with the Project Management Institute's (PMI), Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide).

The main deliverables of this project were:

  • Development of a Project Management Process Model for use on municipal capital development projects. This is a checklist, organized by project life cycle phases and consisting of project management tasks, deliverables and quality gates.
  • Development of “template” Work Breakdown Structure.

The Region of York Project Manager led the project and Procept acted as project manager advisors and facilitators. Realizing that the Region’s project managers and their engineering consultants know more about the infrastructure projects to be planned, Procept approached this assignment as planning facilitators rather than doing the planning itself.

Project Stats
