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Project Implementation Plan

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Project Details

  • Category: PM Consulting
  • Date Added: 01/15/2015
  • Client: Infrastructure Ontario
  • Skills: Project management, schedule development, construction industry knowledge

Project Info


Project Implementation Plan based on Alternate Financing and Procurement model for infrastructure projects exceeding $80 million.


Developing a generic Project Implementation Plan equally applicable to capital construction projects in hospitals, correctional facilities, courthouses, etc.


Developed a Project Implementation Plan.

Infrastructure Ontario is a crown corporation playing a leading role in one of the most robust infrastructure development programs in the country. They have been assigned more than 40 major infrastructure projects by the Government of Ontario. To deliver these projects on time and on budget, Infrastructure Ontario uses a model called Alternative Financing and Procurement which leverages the strengths of both the private and public sectors. Infrastructure Ontario is also dedicated to providing project finance solutions and support services to public sector clients and assisting them with the efficient delivery of essential infrastructure projects.

Procept was hired by Infrastructure Ontario to develop portions of a Project Implementation Plan based on the Alternate Financing and Procurement models for province-wide hospital and other infrastructure projects exceeding a budget of $80 million.

The project was led by the Director of PMO for Infrastructure Ontario. Procept determined the content of each section of the Project Implementation Plan through structured interviews and group discussions with the subject matter experts. Each section was then written to guide institution Project Managers through the process of initiating, planning, implementing and closing a capital construction project. Another project management consulting firm provided project coordination and administration services and Procept provided senior level advisory and consulting services to create the Project Implementation Plan.

Project Stats
