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Business Process Redesign

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Project Details

  • Category: BA Consulting
  • Date Added: 01/25/2015

Project Info

Procept was hired by a large telecommunications infrastructure development company to review and prepare new business processes to support the finance and supply departments and to assess the suitability of the current SunSystems Financial and Accounting system.

The deliverables for this project included:

  • Project Plan.
  • As-is processes — data flow diagrams, use cases, entity relationship diagrams.
  • To-be processes — data flow diagrams, use cases, entity relationship diagrams.
  • Organizational structures including roles and responsibilities.
  • Procedures to support the new processes.
  • Project completion report.

Procept's approach for the project was broken into four phases.

Phase 1 — Planning

This phase involved creating a comprehensive project management plan after meeting with the key stakeholders.

Phase 2 — Review of Current (As-Is) Processes

In this phase, Procept consultants interviewed finance and supply staff to document the as-is processes. The consultants also observed staff performing routine work and used this technique to validate the documented processes.

Phase 3 — Document Future (To-Be) Processes

In this phase, Procept consultants analyzed the as-is processes to identify improvement opportunities and conducted research into the industry best practices for finance and supply departments. Based on this analysis and research, the consultants prepared the to-be process documentation. The consultants also facilitated process design sessions with cross-functional teams from the affected departments. After the client approved the to-be processes, the consultants analyzed and documented the business requirements for the to-be processes and mapped these requirements to application functionality.

Phase 4 — Implement the To-Be Process

In this phase, Procept consultants identified gaps between the to-be processes and application functionality and recommended solutions to the identified gaps. The consultants assessed the current organizational structure based on the to-be processes, and created a new finance and supply organizational structure. This involved matching the current staff to new job roles and made recommendations for the company's HR department to recruit into vacancies and to conduct exit counseling.

Following this, the consultants developed procedures to support the implementation of the to-be processes using the SunSystems Financial and Accounting system. Procept also provided one month of post-implementation support.

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