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Mergers and Acquisition Consulting

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Project Details

  • Category: Management Consulting
  • Date Added: 01/15/2015
  • Client: Delisys Delivery Systems Inc. (now part of the Sofgen Group)
  • Skills: Business analysis, financial analysis, marketing, organizational design, business strategy

Project Info


To prepare an IT company for acquisition.


Performed a comprehensive review of the company’s business strategy, products and services, organizational structure, financial statement, and valuation.

The objective of this engagement was to prepare Delisys Delivery Systems Inc. based in Brampton Ontario, Canada for acquisition by the Sofgen Group. The engagement involved a review of the company’s business strategy, products and services, organizational structure, and the preparation of job descriptions for existing employees in Canada and Africa. It also included review of company’s financial statements and its valuation.

An initial meeting was held with the Project Sponsor, the CEO for Delisys, to clarify project objectives, scope and, deliverables. This was followed by a review of the company’s business strategy including its products and services, key markets and customers, major competitors, financials, and organizational structure. Direct reports of the CEO were interviewed to better understand their roles and contributions to the company’s bottom line.

Following from above, several meetings were held to review different aspects of the business strategy. A new organizational structure was designed which necessitated the creation of new position descriptions. Procept also proposed several approaches for company valuation based on the results of this analysis.

The deliverables from this assignment prepared the company for a successful acquisition by Sofgen Group, with the African operations continuing as Sofgen Africa. Sofgen Africa is now a leading banking software systems integrator in East Africa, with its head office based in Nairobi, Kenya.

Project Stats
