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IT Systems and Support Assessment

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Project Details

  • Category: IT Consulting
  • Date Added: 01/15/2015
  • Client: Faculty of Law, University of Toronto
  • Skills: IT infrastructure assessment, IT support planning, organizational design

Project Info


Client needed to improve email, remote access, and general IT support.


Development of a report with recommendations for timely and cost effective methods to improve e-mail and remote access, the extent to which IT support services should be in-house or outsourced, and a revised IT support organizational structure including roles and responsibilities. The report also included an implementation plan.

Procept was hired by the University of Toronto's Faculty of Law to undertake a general needs assessment regarding IT technical support for the Faculty (including students, staff and faculty, as well as visitors). As part of this mandate, the Faculty wanted recommendations on its technical support requirements:

  • Timely and cost-effective methods to improve e-mail and remote access at the Faculty
  • The appropriate number and organization of Information & Communications Technology (ICT) staff at the Faculty
  • The extent to which ICT support functions should be performed within the Faculty of Law versus the University or independent contractors

The major deliverables for this assessment were:

  • Recommendation Report
    • Present effectiveness of the ICT services
    • Specific recommendations for timely and cost effective methods to improve e-mail and remote access
    • Extent to which ICT services should be in-house or outsourced
    • ICT organizational structure including roles and responsibilities
  • High Level Implementation Plan

After the successful completion of this assessment, Procept was hired to conduct similar assessments for the Faculty of Dentistry and Hart House at the University.

Project Stats
