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Project Health Check

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Project Details

  • Category: PM Consulting
  • Date Added: 01/15/2015
  • Client: A Canadian municipality
  • Skills: Project health check, PM best practices, facilitation, contracting, project performance metrics

Project Info


Audit of a municipal capital project at the completion of a project phase.


Comprehensive review of project performance and WBS; and recommendations on structuring the contract with the prime consultant for the construction stage.

ACanadian municipality hired Procept to perform a project management audit and provide recommendations on the existing work breakdown structure and the management of work by the prime engineering consultant and sub contractors on a large construction project.

After performing a comprehensive review of the work breakdown structure and completion of the project till date, Procept provided advice on how the Municipality might restructure the contract with the prime consultant. It also reviewed the Project Quality Plan and suggested performance metrics which could be used in a revised contract. Following the review, Procept facilitated a project schedule development workshop for the construction stage of the process.

The project scope excluded the review the work of the prime consultant (except to the extent of some project planning documents such as WBS, schedule, and project quality plan). Procept did not express an opinion about the contractor’s management of the work. It advised the Municipality on what the contract choices might be, facilitated a meeting about contract choices, and calculated the weighted scores on those choices based on the Municipality’s answers to what was important to them.

Procept's approach for the project was:

  • Review existing project documentation
  • Interview of the project stakeholders: The Region (3 persons); Prime Consultant (4 persons); Sub‐contractors (6 persons)
  • Presentation of the final report

Project Stats
